10 Books Turned Into Films Released This Summer

The Huffington Post has has provided a list of ten film adaptations of best selling books to be released this summer. Thank goodness we have some quality films in addition to the usual summer superhero/vampire/zombie blockbusters.  Check out more about each book and film on the Huffington Post site. In the meantime, here is a quick list of the books:

HuffPost 2015 Film List.jpg
  1. Far From the Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy
  2. Heroic Measures, Jill Ciment
  3. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Jesse Andrews
  4. A Slight Trick of the Mind, Mitch Cullin
  5. Dark Places, Gillian Flynn
  6. Paper Towns, John Green
  7. Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert
  8. Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself, A Road Trip With David Foster Wallace, David Lipsky
  9. Black Mass, Dick Lehr & Gerard O'Neill
  10. Every Secret Thing, Laura Lippman

Books Turned Into Movies - How Many Have You Seen?


We all love to walk into a movie theater and see what the screenwriters and directors have done to our beloved book. There's that knowing satisfaction that you can speak with authority to your friends about the true meaning because you, in fact, read the book. You take pride in having a secret insight to the little details not portrayed in the film adaptation or express your disdain at leaving out critical information. Oh, but it's fun, even when it's disappointing. You still have that intimate connection with the written version; the original.

Buzzfeed has a list and fun check off list of movie adaptations of great books. It will even let you know if you need to see more films. Apparently, I need to sit down with a large bowl of popcorn.